Monday 20 April 2020



Communication is a process of exchanging information, ideas, thoughts, feelings and emotions through speech, signals,
writing, or behavior.
“Any act by which one person gives to or receives from another person, the information about that person’s needs, desires,
perceptions, knowledge, or affective states. Communication may be intentional or unintentional; it may involve
conventional or unconventional signals, may take linguistic or non-linguistic forms, and may occur through spoken or other
In simple words; Communication is the exchange of ideas, opinions and information through written or spoken
words, symbols or actions. Communication is a dialogue, not a monologue. In fact, communication is more concerned
with a dual listening process. For communication to be effective, the message must mean the same thing to both the sender
and the receiver.
Types of Communication
People communicate with each other in a number of ways that depend upon the message and its context in which it is being
sent. Choice of communication channel and your style of communicating also affect communication. So, there are varieties
of types of communication.
Types of communication based on the communication channels used are:
1. Verbal Communication
2. Nonverbal Communication
1. Verbal Communication
Verbal communication refers to the form of communication in which message is transmitted verbally. Communication is
done by word of mouth and a piece of writing.
Verbal Communication is further divided into:
▪ Oral Communication
▪ Written Communication
Oral Communication
In oral communication, Spoken words are used. It includes face-to-face conversations, speech, telephonic conversation,
video, radio, television, voice over internet. In oral communication, communication is influence by pitch, volume, speed
and clarity of speaking.
Written Communication
In written communication, written signs or symbols are used to communicate. A written message may be printed or hand
written. In written communication message can be transmitted via email, letter, report, memo etc. Message, in written
communication, is influenced by the vocabulary & grammar used, writing style, precision and clarity of the language used.
Written Communication is most common form of communication being used in business. So, it is considered core among
business skills.
Memos, reports, bulletins, job descriptions, employee manuals, and electronic mail are the types of written communication
used for internal communication. For communicating with external environment in writing, electronic mail, Internet Web
sites, letters, proposals, telegrams, faxes, postcards, contracts, advertisements, brochures, and news releases are used.
2. Nonverbal Communication
Nonverbal communication is the sending or receiving of wordless messages. We can say that communication other than
oral and written, such as gesture, body language, posture, tone of voice or facial expressions, is called nonverbal
communication. Nonverbal communication is all about the body language of speaker.
Nonverbal communication helps receiver in interpreting the message received. Often, nonverbal signals reflect the situation
more accurately than verbal messages. Sometimes nonverbal response contradicts verbal communication and hence
affects the effectiveness of message.
Nonverbal communication has the following three elements:
Speaker: clothing, hairstyle, neatness, use of cosmetics
Surrounding: room size, lighting, decorations, furnishings
Body Language
facial expressions, gestures, postures
Voice Tone, Volume, Speech rate
Types of Communication Based on Purpose and Style
Based on style and purpose, there are two main categories of communication and they both bears their own characteristics.
Communication types based on style and purpose are:
1. Formal Communication
2. Informal Communication
1. Formal Communication
In formal communication, certain rules, conventions and principles are followed while communicating message. Formal
communication occurs in formal and official style. Usually professional settings, corporate meetings, conferences
undergoes in formal pattern.
In formal communication, use of slang and foul language is avoided and correct pronunciation is required.
Authority lines are needed to be followed in formal communication.
2. Informal Communication
Informal communication is done using channels that are in contrast with formal communication channels. It’s just a casual
talk. It is established for societal affiliations of members in an organization and face-to-face discussions. It happens among
friends and family. In informal communication use of slang words, foul language is not restricted. Usually. informal
communication is done orally and using gestures.
Informal communication, unlike formal communication, doesn’t follow authority lines. In an organization, it helps in
finding out staff grievances as people express more when talking informally. Informal communication helps in building
Types of Informal Communication
1. Lateral/Horizontal
2. Diagonal
3. Grapevine
Communication is the exchange of ideas, opinions and information through written or spoken words, symbols or
actions. Communication is a dialogue, not a monologue. In fact, communication is more concerned with a dual listening
process. For communication to be effective, the message must mean the same thing to both the sender and the receiver.
Types of Business Communication in an organization:
1. Internal Communication
2. External Communication
1. Internal Communication
Communication within an organization is called “Internal Communication”. It includes all communication within an
organization. It may be informal, formal function, or department providing communication in various forms to employees.
Under Internal Communication types, there come:
▪ Upward Communication
Upward communication is the flow of information from subordinates to superiors, or from employees to management.
Without upward communication, management works in a vacuum, not knowing if the messages have been received
properly, or if other problems exist in the organization. By definition, communication is a two-way affair. Yet for
effective two-way organizational communication to occur, it must begin from the bottom.
Upward Communication is a mean for the staff to:
▪ Exchange information
▪ Offer ideas
▪ Express enthusiasm
▪ Achieve job satisfaction
▪ Provide feedback
▪ Downward Communication
Information flowing from the top of the organizational management hierarchy and telling people in the organization
what is important (mission) and what is valued (policies). Downward communication generally provides information –
which allows a subordinate to do something. For example, instructions on how to complete a task. Downward
communication comes after upward communications have been successfully established.
This type of communication is needed in an organization to:
▪ Transmit vital information
▪ Give instructions
▪ Encourage 2-way discussion
▪ Announce decisions
▪ Seek cooperation
▪ Provide motivation
▪ Boost morale
▪ Increase efficiency
▪ Obtain feedback
Both Downward & Upward Communications are collectively called “Vertical Communication”
▪ Horizontal/ Lateral communication
normally involves coordinating information, and allows people with the same or similar rank in an organization to
cooperate or collaborate. Communication among employees at the same level is crucial for the accomplishment of the
assigned work.
Horizontal Communication is essential for:
▪ Solving problems
▪ Accomplishing tasks
▪ Improving teamwork
▪ Building goodwill
▪ Boosting efficiency
▪ Diagonal communication
Diagonal communication includes the horizontal flow of information, among people on the same or similar organizational
levels and the diagonal flow, among persons at different levels who have no direct reporting relationship with one another.
▪ Grapevine
It is an informal, unofficial and personal communication channel or system that takes place within the organization as a
result of rumor and gossip. It is a complex web of oral information flow linking all the members of the organization. The
grapevine does not have any definite pattern or direction, though it is largely horizontal in nature. It can be effective
horizontally, vertically and even diagonally.
2. External Communication
Communication with people outside the company is called “external communication”. Supervisors communicate with
sources outside the organization, such as vendors and customers.
It leads to better:
▪ Sales volume
▪ Public credibility
▪ Operational efficiency
▪ Company profits
It should improve:
▪ Overall performance
▪ Public goodwill
▪ Corporate image
Ultimately, it helps to achieve:
▪ Organizational goals
▪ Customer satisfaction
Communication is a process of transmitting and receiving messages (verbal and non-verbal). Communication is a
dialogue not a monologue. So, a communication is said to be effective only if it brings the desired response from the
Seven major elements of communication process are: (1) sender (2) Massages (3) encoding (4) communication channel (5)
receiver (6) decoding and (7) feedback.
1 Sender 2 Messages 3 Encoding 4 Communication Channel
7 Feedback 6 Decoding 5 Receiver
Communication may be defined as a process concerning exchange of facts or ideas between persons holding different
positions in an organisation to achieve mutual harmony. The communication process is dynamic in nature rather than a
static phenomenon.
Communication process as such must be considered a continuous and dynamic inter-action, both affecting and being
affected by many variables.
1 Sender:
The person who intends to convey the message with the intention of passing information and ideas to others is known as
sender or communicator.
2 Messages:
This is the subject matter of the communication. This may be an opinion, attitude, feelings, views, orders, or suggestions.
Message is the information that is exchanged between sender and receiver.
3 Encoding:
Since the subject matter of communication is theoretical and intangible, its further passing requires use of certain symbols
such as words, actions or pictures etc. Conversion of subject matter into these symbols is the process of encoding.
4 Communication Channel:
The person who is interested in communicating has to choose the channel for sending the required information, ideas etc.
This information is transmitted to the receiver through certain channels which may be either formal or informal.
5 Receiver:
Receiver is the person who receives the message or for whom the message is meant for. It is the receiver who tries to
understand the message in the best possible manner in achieving the desired objectives.
6 Decoding:
The person who receives the message or symbol from the communicator tries to convert the same in such a way so that he
may extract its meaning to his complete understanding.
7 Feedback:
Feedback is the process of ensuring that the receiver has received the message and understood in the same sense as sender
meant it.
Barriers to Effective Business Communication
Some of the important barriers to communication have been discussed below:
1. Physical Barriers:
A communication is a two-way process, distance between the sender and the receiver of the message is an important barrier
to communication. Noise and environmental factors also block communication.
2. Personal Barriers:
Personal factors like difference in judgment, social values, inferiority complex, bias, attitude, pressure of time, inability to
communicate, etc. widen the psychological distance between the communicator and the communicate. Credibility gap i.e.,
inconsistency between what one says and what one does, also, acts as a barrier to communication.
3. Semantic or Language Barriers:
Semantic is the science of meaning. The same words and symbols carry different meanings to different people. Difficulties
in communication arise when the sender and the receiver of the message use words or symbols in different senses. The
meaning intended by the sender may be quite different from the meaning followed by the receiver. People interpret the
message in terms of their own behaviour and experience. Sometimes, the language used by the sender may not at all be
followed by the receiver.
4. Status Barriers (Superior-Subordinate Relationship):
Status or position in the hierarchy of an organization is one of the fundamental barriers that obstructs free flow of
information. A superior may give only selected information to his subordinates so as to maintain status differences.
Subordinates, usually, tend to convey only those things which the superiors would appreciate.
This creates distortion in upward communication. Such selective communication is also known as filtering. Sometimes,
“the superior feels that he cannot fully admit to his subordinates those problems, conditions or results which may affect
adversely on his ability and judgment. To do so would undermine his position as a superior being in the formal
organization.” This causes distortion in downward communication. A subordinate may also feel reluctant to report his
shortcomings or may not seek clarification on instructions which are subject to different interpretations for fear of loss of
prestige in the eyes of the superior.
5. Organizational Structure Barriers:
Effective communication largely depends upon sound organizational structure. If the structure is complex involving several
layers of management, the breakdown or distortion in communication wall arise. It is an established fact that every layer
cuts off a bit of information. Moreover, information travelling through formal structure introduces rigidity and causes
delay because of long lines of communication. Similarly, lack of instructions for further conveying information to the
subordinates and heavy pressure of work at certain levels of authority also act as barriers to effective communication.
6. Barriers Due to Inadequate Attention:
Inadequate attention to the message makes communication less effective and the message is likely to be misunderstood.
Inattention may arise because of over business of the communicate or because of the message being contrary to his
expectations and beliefs. The simple failure to read notices, minutes and reports is also a common feature.
Whatever be the reason, communication remains only a one-way process and there is no understanding of the message, if
the receiver pays little attention to the message. In the words of Joseph Dooher. “Listening is the most neglected skill of
communication.” “half listening is like racing your engine with the gears in neutral. You use gasoline but you get
7. Premature Evaluation:
Some people have the tendency to form a judgment before listening to the entire message. This is known as premature
evaluation. As discussed in the previous point, “half-listening is like racing your engine with the gears in neutral. You use
gasoline but you get nowhere.” Premature evaluation distorts understanding and acts as a barrier to effective
8. Emotional Attitude:
Barriers may also arise due to emotional attitude because when emotions are strong, it is difficult to know the frame of
mind of other person or group. Emotional attitudes of both, the communicator as well as the communicate, obstruct free
flow of transmission and understanding of messages.
9. Resistance to Change:
It is a general tendency of human beings to stick to old and customary patterns of life. They may resist change to maintain
status quo. Thus, when new ideas are being communicated to introduce a change, it is likely to be overlooked or even
opposed. This resistance to change creates an important obstacle to effective communication.
10. Barriers Due to Lack of Mutual Trust:
Communication means sharing of ideas in common. “When we communicate, we are trying to establish a commonness.”
Thus, one will freely transfer information and understanding with another only when there is mutual trust between the two.
When there is a lack of mutual trust between the communicator and the communicate, the message is not followed.
Credibility gaps, i.e., inconsistency in saying and doing, also causes lack of mutual trust which acts as a basic obstacle to
effective communication.
11. Other Barriers:
There may be many other barriers, such as un-clarified assumptions, lack of ability to communicate, mirage of too much
knowledge of closed minds, communication overload, shortage of time, etc., which cause distortion or obstruction in the
free flow of communication and thus make it ineffective. Failure to retain or store information for future use becomes a
barrier to communication when the information is needed in future.
1. Correctness
2. Clarity
3. Conciseness
4. Completeness
5. Consideration
6. Concreteness
7. Courtesy
1. Correctness
At the time of encoding, if the encoder has comprehensive knowledge about the decoder of message, it makes the
communication an ease. The encoder should know the status, knowledge and educational background of the
decoder. Correctness means:
▪ Use the right level of language
▪ Correct use of grammar, spelling and punctuation
▪ Accuracy in stating facts and figures
Correctness in message helps in building confidence.
2. Clarity
Clarity demands the use of simple language and easy sentence structure in composing the message. When there is clarity
in presenting ideas, it’s easy for the receiver/decoder to grasp the meaning being conveyed by the sender/encoder.
Clarity makes comprehension easier.
3. Conciseness
A concise message saves time of both the sender and the receiver. Conciseness, in a business message, can be achieved by
avoiding wordy expressions and repetition. Using brief and to the point sentences, including relevant material makes the
message concise. Achieving conciseness does not mean to loose completeness of message.
Conciseness saves time.
4. Completeness
By completeness means the message must bear all the necessary information to bring the response you desire. The sender
should answer all the questions and with facts and figures. and when desirable, go for extra details.
Completeness brings the desired response.
5. Consideration
Consideration demands to put oneself in the place of receiver while composing a message. It refers to the use of You
attitude, emphases positive pleasant facts, visualizing reader’s problems, desires, emotions and his response.
Consideration means understanding of human nature.
6. Concreteness
Being definite, vivid and specific rather than vague, obscure and general leads to concreteness of the message. Facts and
figures being presented in the message should be specif.
Concreteness reinforces confidence.
7. Courtesy
In business, almost everything starts and ends in courtesy. Courtesy means not only thinking about receiver but also
valuing his feelings. Much can be achieved by using polite words and gestures, being appreciative, thoughtful, tactful, and
showing respect to the receiver. Courtesy builds goodwill.
List of Communication Satellites
Launch Date Launch Vehicle Application
GSAT-15 Nov 11, 2015
GSAT-6 Aug 27, 2015
GSAT-16 Dec 07, 2014 Ariane-5 VA-221 Communication
GSAT-14 Jan 05, 2014 GSLV-D5 Communication
GSAT-7 Aug 30, 2013 Ariane-5 VA-215 Communication
INSAT-3D Jul 26, 2013 Ariane-5 VA-214 Communication, Disaster Management System,
Earth Observation
GSAT-10 Sep 29, 2012 Ariane-5 VA-209 Communication
GSAT-12 Jul 15, 2011 PSLV-C17 Communication
Launch Date Launch Vehicle Application
GSAT-8 May 21, 2011 Ariane-5 VA-202 Communication
GSAT-5P Dec 25, 2010 GSLV-F06 Communication
GSAT-4 Apr 15, 2010 GSLV-D3 Communication
INSAT-4CR Sep 02, 2007 GSLV-F04 Communication
INSAT-4B Mar 12, 2007 Ariane5 Communication
HAMSAT May 05, 2005 PSLV-C6 Communication
EDUSAT Sep 20, 2004 GSLV-F01 Communication
INSAT-3E Sep 28, 2003 Ariane5-V162 Communication
GSAT-2 May 08, 2003 GSLV-D2 Communication
INSAT-3A Apr 10, 2003 Ariane5-V160 Communication
Sep 12, 2002 PSLV-C4 Communication
INSAT-3C Jan 24, 2002 Ariane5-V147 Communication
GSAT-1 Apr 18, 2001 GSLV-D1 Communication
INSAT-3B Mar 22, 2000 Ariane-5G Communication
INSAT-2E Apr 03, 1999 Ariane-42P H10-3 Communication
INSAT-2DT Jan 01, 1998 Ariane-44L H10 Communication
INSAT-2D Jun 04, 1997 Ariane-44L H10-3 Communication
INSAT-2C Dec 07, 1995 Ariane-44L H10-3 Communication
INSAT-2B Jul 23, 1993 Ariane-44L H10+ Communication
INSAT-2A Jul 10, 1992 Ariane-44L H10 Communication
INSAT-1D Jun 12, 1990 Delta 4925 Communication
INSAT-1C Jul 22, 1988 Ariane-3 Communication
Launch Date Launch Vehicle Application
INSAT-1B Aug 30, 1983 Shuttle [PAM-D] Communication
INSAT-1A Apr 10, 1982 Delta Communication
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Communication Part A:
Q1) Decoding is associated with
A) Message Sender B) Message Receiver C) Both of the above D) None of the above
Q2) The biggest obstacle in the way of communication in a class is
A) Excess of noise in a class B) Vagueness about the content of a teacher C) The noise out of class and other
related obstacles D) Lack in teaching aid material
Q3) An effective communication produces in receiver
A) Happiness B) Acceptance C) Its access to other people D) Thinking
Q4) Which of the following group is not making a communication process defective in a class room?
A) Reversing-Evaluating-Focussing B) Evaluating-Focussing-Eliciting C) Evaluating-Focussing-Exaggerating
D) Evaluating-Eliciting-Exaggerating
Q5) If your students remain unsatisfied even after your teaching a particular lesson or content, what would you
like to do under these conditions?
A) You will leave aside all fruitful efforts of teaching in order to enhance their understanding B) You will be
doing your best efforts again and again till they will not understand the content C) You will think that again and
again repetition of the same content is mere a destroying the time D) You will be keeping sympathetic
behaviour with the students
Q6) Which of the following is not matched with the nature of communication?
A) A directional process B) A feed-back process C) A dynamic process D) A passive process
Q7) In which of the following situations the students can interact to one another in more liberal(free)
A) In discussions within the small group B) By using Film Projector C) By T.V. viewing D) In Expert's lectures
Q8) In which of the following condition the class appears to be most effective?
A) When the teacher imparts experiences according to the levels of students B) When the teacher keeps students
in a state of relaxation during teaching C) When teacher teaches the subject-matter in a clear and loud voice D)
When teacher establishes strict discipline in the class
Q9) Which of the following is a best method to control noise in the class room situation?
A) To give warning to the students that they must keep silence B) To speak loudly by the teacher to keep pace
with the noise in the class C) To watch the class silently and minutely scan the class D) To ignore the student's
noise, stand confidently and start teaching
Q10) When a teacher is being treated as an effective communicator, the teacher's duty should be
A) That he will be communicating thinking ability in students B) That he will be imparting knowledge through
lesson-teaching and healthy discussions C) That he will be discussing the content with students D) All the
above are correct
Q11) Anderson quoted
A) Communication-A dynamic process B) Communication-A process of exchange of ideas C) Communication-
A process of association of ideas D) None of the above
Q12) The Receiver should follow the inevitable condition in order to receive the message
A) He has the ability to transmit a message B) He has the ability to decoding the message C) He has the ability
to interpret the message D) He has all the above abilities
Q13) When you are unable to follow the foreigner's language, the communication of message will be carried
out through
A) Speaking loudly or screaming B) Symbolic language C) Learning his language D) Can’t say
Q14) Which of the following element is essential for communicating a research work?
A) Process B) Mastery over the language C) Statement of aim D) B and C both
Q15) Sometimes it has been witnessed that in a large class, students are trying to ditch their teacher in
disciplinarian art. In your opinion the problem lies with
A) The students B) The process C) The content to be taught D) The time taken for teaching
Q16) Which one of the following should be adopted by a teacher in his communication?
A) Brief, clear and low level B) Elongated tone C) Clear and high tone D) Moderate tone
Q17) The effective communication will be taking place if
A) The source is attractive and autocratic B) The message is designed according to the listeners C) The latest
communication technology has been employed D) The receiver is passive to receive the messages
Q18) The main limit of Mass communication is
A) It is very costly for the receiver B) It takes much time in message production C) It success depends on the
message producers D) The feed-back system is in a poor state
Q19) The basic elements of communication are
A) The Source and the Receiver B) The Messenger and the Receiver C) The Source and the Channel D) All of
the above
Q20) The way through which message passes, is called
A) Channel B) Transmission medium C) Transmission channel D) Transmission system
Q21) Which of the following process has been incorporated for the decoding of the messages?
A) The messages are changed into signs B) The interpretation of the secret messages has been carried out C)
The obstacles are created in messaging service D) The messages are changed through encoding
Q22) In a process of communication, the final objective of Feed-back is
A) To bring desirable change in the process of communication B) To understand about the content C) To
identify the defects of the communicator D) To diagnose the limits of the message sender
Q23) The advantage of Feedback in the process of communication is
A) It clarifies the communication B) It is beneficial in understanding of the subject-matter C) It diagnoses the
defects in messages sender or communicator D) It explores the defects in receiver
Q24) The barriers in communication can be overcome if
A) The listener has all the desirable competencies of best listening B) The listener is in a state of motivator C)
The listener has some extra incentives D) All of the above
Q25) If a teacher is unable to communicate his ideas to the students in adequate manner, the result of it will be
A) The end of discipline in the class B) The end of students' interest in the topic C) The maximum absence of
students from the class D) All of the above
Q26) Which of the following teacher's quality is associated with his best teaching?
A) The abilities of the teacher B) Teacher's abstinence C) The oral expression of the teacher D) The vocational
commitment and love for the profession
Q27) Which of the following measure should be adopted by a teacher in order to adjust himself as an effective
A) He uses more and more teaching aids B) Whatever he teaches, it should be adequate to all the levels of
students C) He should ask questions to the students' during teaching D) He should extend help in searching the
best answers of the questions
Q28) Communication is a
A) Process-which is going on between the Source and the Receiver B) A condition of exchange of ideas C) A
method of transfer of ideas D) All of the above
Q29) In an excellent communication, it is not desired
A) Change in voice(voice modulation) B) External or physical beauty C) Communication of adequate feelings
D) Involvement of students
Q30) The term communis is taken from
A) Latin language B) Greek language C) Hebrew language D) English language
Q31) According to Legons, the meaning of communication is
A) Exchange of ideas between two or more than two individuals B) Dialogue between two persons C)
Interaction between two persons D) All of the above
Q32) In an effective communication there is no need of
A) Modulations in voice and speech B) Adequate gestures C) Mastery over the content D) Handsome
Q33) In order to a teacher should have effective communication, it is essential that
A) The teacher should become master of his own subject B) The teacher should prepare a good teaching aid C)
The teacher should discuss the questions asked in previous year's examination D) The teacher should start at
that point from where students are ready to learn
Q34) Which one of the following is not treated as an obstacle in the way of effective communication?
A) A long statement B) An inadequate statement C) A brief statement D) A statement which permits the listener
to derive the conclusions
Q35) Communication is possible
A) Between two animals of the same species B) Between a living organism and machines C) Between an
individual and a group D) In all the above situations
Q36) The non-verbal communication is possible through
A) Speech symbols B) Eyes C) Sense of touch D) All of the above
Q37) What is the fundamental principle of Educational Psychology?
A) To teach the tricks of teaching profession B) To develop insight about the different aspects of modern
education C) To develop insights about the needs, problems and styles of behaviours of the students D) To
develop the research designs for modern teaching processes
Q38) The types of communication are
A) Two B) Four C) Six D) Eight
Q39) The barrier of the communication can be categorised as
A) Physical barriers B) Language barriers C) Psychological barriers D) All the above
Q40) Which special train was running in order to disseminate scientific awareness in the country?
A) Science and Technology rail B) The Great Indian rail C) Science rail D) None of the above
Q41) When your friend point out at your gross mistake which you have committed in the class during teaching,
then your reaction will be
A) Resisting him and tell him confidently that it does not come under the purview of a mistake B) Discussing
on the mistake, try to put your stand, if he does not agree then accepting your mistake C) Warning him that he
should not behave in such a manner in future D) Requesting him politely that he should not tell it to any other
Q42) The barriers of communication can be eliminated when it is
A) Simple and comprehensible B) Associated with feed-back C) Following the rules for excellent listening D)
All of the above
Q43) If you are interested in maintaining effective communication in your class, what will you do?
A) Teaching of the subject-matter with clarity and students’ pace B) To use appropriate media for teaching C)
To capture the sender's message in toto and decode it appropriately by the students D) To receive the messages
Q44) Generally in a communication the position of perception, retention and recall will be
A) Like source variables B) Like message variables C) Like message receivers D) Like channel variables
Q45) A teacher will be having effective teaching if
A) He explains adequately the expected content to his students in a class B) He repeats the explanations in order
to grasp by all the students C) He gives rich learning experiences to the students D) He gives right answers to
all the queries of the students
Q46) Which of the following step you keep in priority for a effective communication?
A) To select a channel for communication B) To plan a evaluation procedure C) To specify the objectives of
communication D) To select various types of media for communication
Q47) The communication of teacher's ideas to the students is meant
A) Imparting of knowledge B) Delivering of ideas C) Inculcating ideas in the students brain D) Continuing the
teaching process
Q48) If you are interested in communicating democratic tendencies among your students, which of the
following system will enabled them with this objective?
A) You discuss and debate on the issue of advantages of Democratic system with students and indoctrinate
them about it by changing their beliefs. B) You conduct the election for students' Assembly and give them
responsibilities to share. C) You give priority to democratic values in your day-today practice of working and
engage whole class in its adequate management and give them suitable duties D) You will excellent speakers
and dignitaries in school and divert the attention of students towards their speech about the great persons of the
Q49) When you are delivering a lecture in a class, it is better if you 1. Know the ideas of other persons 2. Know
that all the students in the class are not Homogeneous in nature 3. Give due respect to other's ideas Which one
of the following pair is correct in the above context?
A) 1 and 2 B) 3 only C) 1 and 3 D) 1, 2 and 3
Q50) Below are given some traits of a good teacher 1.Mastery over the content 2. Effective verbal
communication 3. Handsome personality 4. Potentiality to seek respect from students 5. Potentiality to seek
respect from community leaders Which of the above qualities you should prefer in an effective teacher?
A) 1, 2 and 3 B) 1, 2 and 4 C) 1, 2 and 5 D) 1, 3 and 5
Q51) The simple process of communication consists of the following elements
A) Message source-Medium-Message Receiver B) Message Source-Encoding-Decoding-Message Receiver C)
Message Source-Message Receiver D) Message Source-Feed-back
Q52) The nature of communication is
A) Process of exchange of ideas B) A purposive process C) A Psycho-social process D) All of the above
Q53) An efficient teacher ensures
A) Feelings of co-operation in his students B) Full freedom on his own part without any restriction C)
Competition among his students D) Feelings of either co-operation or competition as the conditions permit in
his students.
Q54) The meaning of communis is
A) Differences B) Normal C) Sensation D) Etiquettes
Q55) The biggest barrier of the communication is
A) Noise B) Person C) Language D) Previous Experiences
Q56) What is the essential step for an effective communicator?
A) Selection of the channel for communication B) Think about the evaluation procedure C) Determining the
objectives of communication D) Identifying various medium of communication
Q57) Generally it has been witnessed that the communication in the class disrupted, because
A) The students' attention is not focussed on it B) The teacher delivers a monotonous lecture C) The students
are not taking proper interest in the lesson taught by the teacher D) The loud noise continued within and outside
the classroom
Q58) The verbal communication completes through
A) Verbal medium B) Symbolic medium C) Lips medium D) Bodily organs medium
Q59) If you get appointment in a college as a teacher, how could you behave with your students?
A) Autocratic manner B) Democratic manner C) Laissez faire manner D) Intellectual manner
Q60) The work of Messenger is
A) To develop a message B) To encode the message C) To transmit the message D) All of the above
Q61) The messages are changed into symbols through the process of
A) Encoding B) Decoding C) Sign language D) None of the above
Q62) Which of the following is not a true statement?
A) A good communicator-cannot be judged as a good teacher B) A good communicator-has the satirical
(Humorous) expressions C) A good communicator-is an exhaustive reader D) A good communicator has the
mastery over language
Q63) Which of the following alternative is representing the effective communication?
A) The teacher should crack the jokes during teaching in the class B) The teacher should impact
multidimensional sensory influence on the students through his teaching C) The teacher should speak
authoritatively D) The teacher should teach whatever is beneficial to the students
Q64) The word communication is derived from
A) Communis B) Communique C) Communil D) Commune
Q65) In all formal and informal communications the following quality is comprised of
A) Structuredness B) Unstructuredness C) Discrimination D) Similarity
Q1) B, Q2) A, Q3) B, Q4) D, Q5) B, Q6) D, Q7) A, Q8) B, Q9) C, Q10) A, Q11) A, Q12) D, Q13) B, Q14)
D, Q15) B, Q16) B, Q17) B, Q18) D, Q19) A, Q20) A, Q21) B, Q22) A, Q23) A, Q24) D, Q25) D, Q26) D,
Q27) D, Q28) D, Q29) D, Q30) A, Q31) D, Q32) D, Q33) D, Q34) C, Q35) D, Q36) B, Q37) C, Q38) A, Q39)
D, Q40) A, Q41) B, Q42) D, Q43) C, Q44) D, Q45) C, Q46) C, Q47) C, Q48) C, Q49) D, Q50) B, Q51) A,
Q52) D, Q53) D, Q54) B, Q55) A, Q56) C, Q57) D, Q58) A, Q59) B, Q60) D, Q61) A, Q62) D, Q63) D, Q64)
A, Q65) D
Communication Part B:
Q1) The function of mass communication of supplying information regarding the processes, issues, events and
societal developments is known as:
A) Content supply B) Surveillance C) Gratification D) Correlation
Q2) The science of the study of feedback systems in humans, animals and machines is known as:
A) Cybernetics B) Reverse communication C) Selectivity study D) Response analysis
Q3) Networked media exist in inter-connected:
A) Social environments B) Economic environments C) Political environments D) Technological environments
Q4) The combination of computing, telecommunications and media in a digital atmosphere is referred to as:
A) Online communication B) Integrated media C) Digital combine D) Convergence
Q5) A dialogue between a human-being and a computer programme that occurs simultaneously I various forms
is described as:
A) Man-machine speak B) Binary chat C) Digital talk D) Interactivity
Q6) Which one of the following can be termed as verbal communication?
A) Prof. Sharma delivered the lecture in the class room. B) Signal at the cross-road changed from green to
orange. C) The child was crying to attract the attention of the mother. D) Dipak wrote a letter for leave
Q7) Which is the 24 hours English Business news channel in India?
A) Zee News B) NDTV 24 x 7 C) CNBC D) India News
Q8) Consider the following statements in communication:
i) Hema Malini is the Chairperson of the Children's Film Society, India.
ii) Yash Chopra is the Chairman of the Central Board of Film Certification of India.
iii) Sharmila Tagore is the Chairperson of National Film Development Corporation.
iv) Dilip Kumar, Raj Kapoor and Preeti Zinta have all been recipients of Dada Saheb Phalke Award.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
A) (i) and (iii) B) (ii) and (iii) C) (iv) only D) (iii) only
Q9) Which of the following pair is not correctly matched?
A) N. Ram: The Hindu B) Barkha Dutt: Zee News C) Pranay Roy: NDTV × 7 D) Prabhu Chawla: Aaj Tak
Q10) “Because you deserve to know” is the punch line used by:
A) The Times of India B) The Hindu C) Indian Express D) Hindustan Times
Q11) Press Council of India is located at:
A) Chennai B) Mumbai C) Kolkata D) Delhi
Q12) Adjusting the photo for publication by cutting is technically known as:
A) Photo cutting B) Photo bleeding C) Photo cropping D) Photo adjustment
Q13) Feed-back of a message comes from:
A) Satellite B) Media C) Audience D) Communicator
Q14) Collection of information in advance before designing communication strategy is known as:
A) Feed-back B) Feed-forward C) Research study D) Opinion poll
Q15) The aspect ratio of TV screen is:
A) 0.16875 B) 0.168055555555556 C) 0.128472222222222 D) 8.54166666666667E-02
Q16) DTH service was started in the year:
A) 2000 B) 2002 C) 2004 D) 2006
Q17) National Press day is celebrated on:
A) 16th November B) 19th November C) 21th November D) 30th November
Q18) The total number of members in the Press Council of India are
A) 28 B) 14 C) 17 D) 20
Q19) The right to impart and receive information is guaranteed in the Constitution of India by Article:
A) 19 (2) (a) B) 19(16) C) 19(2) D) 19(1) (a)
Q20) Communication with oneself is known as:
A) Group communication B) Grapevine communication C) Interpersonal communication D) Intrapersonal
Q21) Which broadcasting system for TV is followed in India?
Q22) All India Radio before 1936 was known as:
A) Indian Radio Broadcasting B) Broadcasting Service of India C) Indian Broadcasting Service D) All India
Broadcasting Service
Q23) The biggest news agency of India is:
A) PTI B) UNI C) NANAP D) Samachar Bharati
Q24) Prasar Bharati was launched in the year:
A) 1995 B) 1997 C) 1999 D) 2001
Q25) Community Radio is a type of radio service that caters to the interest of:
A) local audience B) Education C) Entertainment D) News
Q26) Orkut was a part of:
A) Intra personal Communication B) Mass Communication C) Group Communication D) Interpersonal
Q27) Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below:
List-I (Artists) a) Amrita Shergill b) T. Swaminathan Pillai c) Bhimsenjoshi d) Padma Subramanian
List-II (Art) i) Flute ii) Classical Song iii) Painting iv) Bharat Natyam
A) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv) B) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv) C) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i) D) (i) (iv) (ii) (iii)
Q28) Which is not correct in latest communication award?
A) Salman Rushdie – Booker’s Prize -July 20, 2008 B) Dilip Sanghavi – Business Standard CEO Award July
22, 2008 C) Tapan Sinha – Dada Saheb Falke Award, July 21, 2008 D) Gautam Ghosh – Osians Lifetime
Achievement Award July 11, 2008
Q29) Firewalls are used to protect a communication network system against:
A) Unauthorized attacks B) Virus attacks C) Data-driven attacks D) Fire-attacks
Q30) Which one of the following Telephonic Conferencing with a radio link is very popular throughout the
A) TPS B) Telepresence C) Video conference D) Video teletext
Q31) Which is not 24 hours news channel
A) NDTV24x7 B) ZEE News C) Aajtak D) Lok Sabha channel
Q32) The main objective of f. m. station in radio is:
A) Information, Entertainment and Tourism B) Entertainment, Information and Interaction C) Tourism,
Interaction and Entertainment D) Entertainment only
Q33) In communication chatting in internet is:
A) Verbal communication B) Non verbal communication C) Parallel communication D) Grapevine
Q34) Match List-I with List-II and select List-I the correct answer using the codes List-II
(Artists) a) Pandit Jasra b) Kishan Mahara c) Ravi Shankar d) Udai Shankar
(Art) i) Hindustani vocalist ii) Sitar iii) Tabla iv) Dance
A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) B) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii) C) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv) D) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
Q35) The country which has the distinction of having the two largest circulated newspapers in the world is
A) Great Britain B) The United States C) Japan D) China
Q36) The chronological order of non-verbal communication is
A) Signs, symbols, codes, colours B) Symbols, codes, signs, colours C) colours, signs, codes, symbols D) Codes,
colours, symbols, signs
Q37) Media that exist in an interconnected series of communication points are referred to as
A) Networked media B) Connective media C) Nodal media D) Multimedia
Q38) The information function of mass communication is described as
A) diffusion B) publicity C) surveillance D) diversion
Q39) An example of asynchronous medium is
A) Radio B) Television C) File D) Newspaper
Q40) communication, connotative words are
A) Explicit B) Abstract C) Simple D) Cultural
Q41) Which of the following statements is not connected with communication?
A) Medium is the message. B) The world is an electronic cocoon. C) Information is power. D) Telepathy is
Q42) Communication becomes circular when
A) the decoder becomes an encoder B) the feedback is absent C) the source is credible D) the channel is clear
Q43) The site that played a major role during the terrorist attack on Mumbai (26/11) in 2008 was
A) Orkut B) Facebook C) Amazon. co D) Twitter
Q44) In communication, a major barrier to reception of messages is
A) audience attitude B) audience knowledge C) audience education D) audience income
Q45) Post-modernism is associated with
A) Newspapers B) Magazines C) Radio D) Television
Q46) Didactic communication is
A) intra-personal B) inter-personal C) organizational D) relational
Q47) In communication, the language is
A) the non-verbal code B) the verbal code C) the symbolic code D) the iconic code
Q48) Identify the correct sequence of the following:
A) Source, channel, message, receiver B) Source, receiver, channel, message C) Source, message, receiver,
channel D) Source, message, channel, receiver
Q49) A message beneath a message is labelled as
A) embedded text B) internal text C) inter-text D) sub-text
Q50) In analog mass communication, stories are
A) static B) dynamic C) interactive D) exploratory
Q51) Firewalls are used to protect a communication network system against:
A) Unauthorized attacks B) Virus attacks C) Data-driven attack D) Fire-attacks
Q52) Which one of the following Telephonic Conferencing with a radio line is very popular throughout the
A) TPS B) Telepresence C) Video conference D) Video teletext
Q53) Which is not 24 hours news channel
A) NDTV24x7 B) ZEE News C) Aajtak D) Lok Sabha channel
Q54) The main objective of f. m. station in radio is:
A) Information, Entertainment and Tourism B) Entertainment, Information and Interaction C) Tourism,
Interaction and Entertainment D) Entertainment only
Q55) In communication chatting in internet is:
A) Verbal communication B) Non verbal communication C) Parallel communication D) Grapevine
Q56) The country which has the distinction of having the two largest circulated newspapers in the world is
A) Great Britain B) The United States C) Japan D) China
Q57) The chronological order of non-verbal communication is
A) Signs, symbols, codes, colours B) Symbols, codes, signs, colours C) Colours, signs, codes, symbols D) Codes,
colours, symbols, signs
Q58) Which of the following statements is not connected with communication?
A) Medium is the message. B) The world is an electronic cocoon. C) Information is power. D) Telepathy is
Q59) Communication becomes circular when
A) the decoder becomes an encoder B) the feedback is absent C) the source is credible D) the channel is clear
Q60) The site that played a major role during the terrorist attack on Mumbai (26/11) in 2008 was
A) Orkut B) Facebook C) Amazon. com D) Twitter
Q61) In communication, a major barrier to reception of messages is (Jun010)
A) audience attitude B) audience knowledge C) audience education D) audience income
Q62) Post-modernism is associated with
A) newspapers B) magazines C) radio D) television
Q63) Didactic communication is
A) intra-personal B) inter-personal C) organizational D) relational
Q64) In communication, the language is
A) the non-verbal code B) the verbal code C) the symbolic code D) the iconic code
Q65) Indentify the correct sequence of the following:
A) Source, channel, message, receiver B) Source, receiver, channel, message C) Source, message, receiver,
channel D) Source, message, channel, receiver
Q66) Media that exist in an interconnected series of communication points are referred to as
A) Networked media B) Connective media C) Nodal media D) Nodal media
Q67) The information function of mass communication is described as
A) diffusion B) publicity C) surveillance D) diversion
Q68) An example of asynchronous medium is
A) Radio B) Television C) Film D) Newspaper
Q69) In communication, connotative words are
A) Explicit B) Abstract C) Simple D) Cultural
Q70) A message beneath a message is labelled as
A) embedded text B) internal text C) inter-text D) sub-text
Q71) In analog mass communication, stories are
A) static B) dynamic C) interactive D) exploratory
Q72) Interpretation is beneficial when communicating across cultures. There are different kinds of
interpretation, which include
A) Simultaneous. B) Transliteration. C) Sequential. D) All of the listed items.
Q73) In the question below the two statements labelled as assertion (A) and reason (R) . Which one of the
following is correct.
• Assertion (A): a newspaper is a mass media tool
• Reason (R): newspaper connects masses with pieces of information
A) Both A and R are true, R is the correct explanation of A B) Both A and R are true, R is not the correct
explanation of A C) A is true, R is false D) A is false, R is false
Q74) In the question below the two statements labelled as assertion (A) and reason (R) . Which one of the
following is correct.
• Assertion (A): on-verbal communication is related to expression of feelings, emotions in a wordless manner
• Reason (R): body language is helpful in creating an understanding of any matter feeling
A) Both A and R are true, R is the correct explanation of A B) Both A and R are true, R is not the correct
explanation of A C) A is true, R is false D) A is false, R is false
Q75) Respect is essential when practicing as a health professional.
A) However, you only need to respect yourself and your colleagues. B) It is the foundational factor that builds
mutual understanding and a therapeutic relationship. C) It is especially important when relating to people older
than you. D) However, you only need to respect those people who respect you.
Q76) The interpretation of physical message into a form that has eventual meaning for a receiver is called
A) Coding B) Recording C) Decoding D) Encoding
Q77) Which of the following is the first newspaper to have a reader’s editor?
A) The Times of India B) The Hindu C) Hindustan Times D) the pioneer
Q78) In communication, ...................... confirms receipt of the message.
A) Receiver B) Communication C) Channel D) Sender
Q79) Communication is a ............................ way process.
A) Two B) Three C) One D) None of above
Q80) Which is India’s first channel on children on TV?
A) Cartoon network B) Walt Disney C) United home entertainments Hungama TV D) Nick Junior
Q81) Which of the following is the largest single edition regional newspaper?
A) Anandabazar patrika B) janasatta C) Nai Dunia D) None of the above
Q82) The oldest existing English daily of India is
A) The Times of India B) The Hindustan Times C) The Hindu D) The Telegraph
Q83) Channels used for downward communication are
A) Types of print B) Oral media C) Handbook manuals D) All of the above
Q84) What is the other name of Hicky’s Bengal Gazette?
A) The Bengal News B) Calcutta General advertiser C) Bengal Journal D) None of the
Q85) Which communication has an emotional appeal?
A) Intrapersonal communication B) Interpersonal communication C) Mass communication D) Group
Q86) A fatwa was issued in Salman Rushdie’s name following the publication of
A) Midnight’s children B) Shame C) Satanic Verses D) none of the above
Q87) The function of mass communication of supplying information regarding the processes, issues, events and
societal developments is known as:
A) Content supply B) Surveillance C) Gratification D) Correlation
Q88) The science of the study of feedback systems in humans, animals and machines is known as:
A) Cybernetics B) Reverse communication C) Selectivity study D) Response analysis
Q89) Networked media exist in inter-connected:
A) Social environments B) Economic environments C) Political environments D) Technological environments
Q90) The combination of computing, telecommunications and media in a digital atmosphere is referred to as:
A) Online communication B) Integrated media C) Digital combine D) Convergence
Q91) The teacher has arranged a meeting with Sakshi’s mother to discuss these concerns. Which of the
following statements is best for the teacher to say to Sakshi’s mother?
A) Sakshi needs extra practice reading and writing problematic letters and words at home at least 30 minutes
per day. B) Please discuss the importance of schoolwork to Sakshi so that she will increase her efforts in class
work. C) These are possible symptoms of dyslexia so I would like to refer her to a specialist for diagnosis. D)
Please adjust Sakshi’s diet because she is most likely showing symptoms of ADHD due to food allergies.
Q92) In which language the highest newspapers are published in India
A) English B) Hindi C) Bengali D) Gujarati
Q93) Which of the following is best suited with the Reader’s Digest?
A) It is monthly periodical B) It is a newspaper C) It is quarterly periodical D) None of the above
Q94) The first objective of teaching English is to develop
A) Listening skill B) speaking skill C) Reading skill D) writing skill
Q95) The numbers of kings of sounds are
A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5
Q96) Which of the following is used to facilitate oral presentation?
A) Aid B) Aids C) Visual Aids D) Manual Aids
Q97) Which ONE of the following is a basic type of speech?
A) Poetry B) Written C) Public D) Precise
Q98) A speech-writer earns a good living by writing speeches is
A) Professional B) Personal C) Elementary D) Semi-literate
Q99) When using remote communication it is best to
A) Use concise, accurate and clear statements. B) Use unexplained jargon. C) Use spoken expression and
construction. D) Avoid checking spelling and grammar.
Q100) The kinds of sounds are
A) Consonant sounds, oral sounds B) Oral sounds, vowel sound C) Verbal sounds, consonant sounds D)
Consonant sounds, Vowel sounds
Q101) Phonemes the unit of sound
A) Maximum B) Minimum C) Medium D) Large
Q102) A dialogue between a human-being and a computer programme that occurs simultaneously in various
forms is described as:
A) Man-machine speak B) Binary chat C) Digital talk D) Interactivity
Q103) Which one of the following can be termed as verbal communication?
A) Prof. Sharma delivered the lecture in the class room. B) Signal at the cross-road changed from green to
orange. C) The child was crying to attract the attention of the mother. D) Dipak wrote a letter for leave
Q104) which is the 24 hours English Business news channel in India?
A) Zee News B) NDTV 24 x 7 C) CNBC D) India News
Q105) Consider the following statements in communication:
i) Hema Malini is the Chairperson of the Children's Film Society, dia. ii) Yash Chopra is the Chairman of the
Central Board of Film Certification of India. iii) Sharmila Tagore is the Chairperson of National Film
Development Corporation. iv) Dilip Kumar, Raj Kapoor and Preeti Zinta have all been recipients of Dada Saheb
Phalke Award.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
A) (i) and (iii) B) (ii) and (iii) C) (iv) only D) (iii) only
Q106) The number of branches of phonetics are
A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5
Q107) Which of the following is matched with press trust of India
A) It is an News agency B) It is an newspaper C) It is a trust for poor D) None of the above
Q108) In which year modern postal service started in India?
A) 1837 B) 1839 C) 1848 D) 1 948
Q109) Who said that communication is the interchange of thoughts and ideas
A) McLuhan B) Dennis McQuail C) Charles E. Osgood D) Lord Mountbatten
Q110) ONE of the following groups is the components of The Rhetorical Triangle.
A) Appeal and logic B) Appeal, emotion and logic C) Appeal, resolution and logic D) Resolution, logic and
Q111) In an organization, the two basic types of correspondence are
A) External and international B) International and regional C) Internal and external D) Internal and regional
Q112) ONE of the following is NOT a characteristic of internal correspondence.
A) May not be disclosed to outsiders B) Sometimes restrictive C) Sometimes secretive D) May be disclosed to
Q113) Internal correspondence may be either secret or
A) Closed B) Open C) National D) Departmental
Q114) At the end of 19th century who introduced motion pictures?
A) Lumiere Brothers B) Guttenberg C) Thomas Kuhn D) Donald Knuth
Q115) Non-verbal communication is
A) Kinesics B) Proxemics C) Para language D) All of the above
Q116) Interpersonal communication is
A) Person to person contact B) When an individual sends and receives messages C) The thought process D)
Communication with mass audience
Q117) When using remote communication it is advisable to avoid
A) Formal language. B) Abrupt and impolite messages. C) Correcting spelling and grammar. D) Using one idea
to a sentence.
Q118) Phonology is the study of how sounds are
A) Produced B) Transmitted C) Organized D) Distinguished
Q119) Which of the following incidents happened in year 1854?
A) IU postal system was introduced B) Post office savings bank started C) The first postage stamp introduced
D) All of them happened in the same year
Q120) Which of the following is the full form of UNI
A) United Nations information B) United Nations India C) United News Indian D) None of the above
Q121) Which of the following pair is not correctly matched?
A) N. Ram: The Hindu B) Barkha Dutt: Zee News C) Pranay Roy: NDTV 24?7 D) Prabhu Chawla: Aaj Tak
Q122) "Because you deserve to know ”is the punch line used by:
A) The Times of India B) The Hindu C) Indian Express D) Hindustan Times
Q123) Press Council of India is located at:
A) Chennai B) Mumbai C) Kolkata D) Delhi
Q124) Adjusting the photo for publication by cutting is technically known as:
A) Photo cutting B) Photo bleeding C) Photo cropping D) Photo adjustment
Q125) Feed-back of a message comes from:
A) Satellite B) Media C) Audience D) Communicator
Q126) The highest level in linguistics is
A) Phonology B) phonetics C) Morphology D) Pragmatics
Q127) DNA is a joint venture of
A) Zee TV and Star TV B) Zee TV and Dainik Jagra C) Zee TV and Dainik Bhaskar D) Zee TV and
Q128) Who among the following is a celebrated cartoonist
A) Abu Abraham B) Ajay Jadeja C) Morris Odumbe D) Sanath Jayasurya
Q129) The official secrets act came into effect in
A) 1910 B) 1923 C) 1945 D) 1947
Q130) The Right to information act came into effect in
A) 2006 B) 2005 C) 2004 D) 1999
Q131) The numbers of vowels in English are
A) 21 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5
Q132) Collection of information in advance before designing communication strategy is known as:
A) Feed-back B) Feed-forward C) Research study D) Opinion poll
Q133) The aspect ratio of TV screen is:
A) 0.16875 B) 0.168055555555556 C) 0.128472222222222 D) 8.54166666666667E-02
Q134) DTH service was started in the year:
A) 2000 B) 2002 C) 2004 D) 2006
Q135) National Press day is celebrated on:
A) 16th November B) 19th November C) 21th November D) 30th November
Q136) The total number of members in the Press Council of India are:
A) 28 B) 14 C) 17 D) 20
Q137) The right to impart and receive information is guaranteed in the Constitution of India by Article:
A) 19 (2) (a) B) 19(16) C) 19(2) D) 1 9(1) (a)
Q138) The number of consonants in English are
A) 15 B) 21 C) 26 D) 31
Q139) What is an external correspondence issued to the mass media on a specific issue, which is meant for
public consumption called?
A) House Release B) Press Release C) Press Note D) House Report
Q140) Which of the following is NOT a feature of an official letter?
A) Written on the letter head B) Contains personal feelings C) Carries a reference number D) contains address
and telephone number(s)
Q141) ONE of the following is NOT a feature of a special meeting.
A) Handling of routine matters B) No consideration of minutes of any previous meeting C) Notice of meeting
D) Called to consider a specific issue or issues
Q142) The conversion of spoken words into written language is
A) Transplantation B) Transmission C) Transcription D) Translation
Q143) Remote communication takes many forms and has various characteristics. It includes
A) Telephones and the internet. B) Written reports and databases. C) Video/teleconferences. D) All of the
Q144) Which of the following is the full form of PIN (related to PIN code)
A) Postal index number B) Postal identity number C) Both A and B D) None of the above
Q145) In which year air mail system started
A) 1854 B) 1853 C) 1829 D) 1975
Q146) In 881-82, the first telephone service was started in
A) Kolkata B) Mumbai C) Delhi D) Howrah
Q147) Effective communication requires
A) Connection, an uncommon purpose and mutual understanding B) Receiving and understanding C)
Understanding of different environmental factors D) None of the above
Q148) The Indian equivalent of communication is
A) Antology bhab B) Samvahana, C) Anubhav D) All of the above
Q149) Communication with oneself is known as:
A) Group communication B) Grapevine communication C) Interpersonal communication D) Intrapersonal
Q150) Which broadcasting system for TV is followed in India? In India for broadcasting TV programmes
which system is followed?
Q151) All India Radio before 1936 was known as:
A) Indian Radio Broadcasting B) Broadcasting Service of India C) Indian Broadcasting Service D) All India
Broadcasting Service
Q152) The biggest news agency of India is:
A) PTI B) UNI C) NANAP D) Samachar Bharati
Q153) Prasar Bharati was launched in the year:
A) 1995 B) 1997 C) 1999 D) 2001
Q154) Intrapersonal communication is best described as
A) Complication between person to person B) Talking to oneself C) More than two persons are talking D) All
of the above
Q155) Which is the father of Indian language journalism in Indian
A) Raja Rammohan Roy B) Swami Vivekananda C) Sister Nivedita D) Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose
Q156) Who among the following wrote the book television in India
A) Vinod Mehta B) Nalin Mehta C) Milkha singh D) Amitava Bachha
Q157) Which of the following newspaper is published in a tabloid for
A) Mail today B) The statement C) The Telegraph D) The Tribune
Q158) Grapevine is related to
A) Horizontal communication B) Vertical communication C) Oral communication D) Informal communication
Q159) Misunderstandings
A) Can be easily avoided if you supply written information. B) Only occur when you have not clearly explained
something. C) Can be avoided if you adjust your language appropriately and allow time for questioning and
clarifying. D) Are breakdowns in communication
Q160) Which of the following is NOT a feature of a regular meeting?
A) Notice of meeting B) Consideration of minutes of a previous meeting C) Motion for adjournment D) Call to
the bar
Q161) Which of the following is the purpose for convening an emergency meeting?
A) There is a ceremony to be performed B) There is a member of staff to be sent off C) There is an urgent
matter at hand D) There is money to be shared
Q162) Channel for upward communication is
A) Newspapers B) Letters sent to home C) Posters D) Offer options that allow anonymous input, such as
suggestion boxes etc
Q163) . When was censorship introduced on Indian press
A) 1970 B) 1790 C) 1792 D) 1795
Q164) When was commercial broadcasting started in Akashvani?
A) November 1, 1967 B) November 1, 1957 C) November 1, 193 D) November 1, 1945
Q165) In India, the first automatic telephone exchange was commissioned
A) Calcutta B) Delhi C) Shimla D) None of the above
Q166) Which of the following is full form of NSD with respect to communication technology
A) National subscriber dialling B) National School of defence technology C) National system of dialling
technology D) none of the above
Q167) In which year VSNL was formed
A) 1986 B) 1983 C) 1922 D) 1935
Q168) When was the national channel started up broadcast quality music.
A) 32281 B) 13288 C) 17305 D) 33742
Q169) Which of the following happened in 1976
A) Doordarshan was separated from AIR B) Doordarshan was separated from FM C) Color television was
introduced in India D) None of the above
Q170) Which of the following is true about Prasar Bharati?
A) It is a television channel B) It is newspaper C) It is magazine D) It is autonomous broadcasting Corporation
Q171) Community Radio is a type of radio service that caters to the interest of:
A) Local audience B) Education C) Entertainment D) News
Q172) Orkut was a part of:
A) Intra personal Communication B) Mass Communication C) Group Communication D) Interpersonal
Q173) Which is not correct in latest communication award?
A) Salman Rushdie – Booker’s Prize July 20, 2008 B) Dilip Sanghavi – Business Standard CEO Award July 22,
2008 C) Tapan Sinha – Dada Saheb Falke Award, July 21, 2008 D) Gautam Ghosh – Osians Lifetime
Achievement Award July 11, 2008
Q174) The first newspaper in India started in
A) Kolkata B) Assam C) Bangladesh D) Chattagram
Q175) ONE of the following is NOT a purpose for which a notice of meeting is sent to members of a meeting.
A) Invite participants to an event B) Inform participants prior to the take-off of an event C) Inform participants
after the take-off of an event D) Give ample time for participants to plan to attend an event
Q176) Which of the following states the three fundamental tools of a meeting?
A) Notice of Meeting, Chairman’s Opening Remarks and Agenda B) Notice of Meeting, Agenda and Minutes
of Meeting C) Agenda, Chairman's Opening Remarks and Chairman’s Closing Remarks D) Notice of Meeting,
Chairman's Closing Remarks and Agenda
Q177) Generally in a communication the position of perception, retention and recall will be
A) Like Channel variables B) Like dependent variable C) Like destination variable D) None of the above
Q178) Which of the following is the responsibility of a messenger?
A) To encode the message B) To decline the message C) To develop the message D) All of the above
Q179) In the question below the two statements labelled as assertion (A) and reason (R) . Which one of the
following is correct
• Assertion (A)downward communication flows from superior to downward
• Reason(R)downward communication helps in resolving conflicts
A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A B) Both A and R are true, R is not the correct
explanation of A C) A is true, R is false D) A is false, R is false
Q180) Which of the following is responsible for decoding the message?
A) Sender B) Receiver C) Channel D) Adapter
Q181) Which of the following is known as the biggest barrier of communication?
A) Noise B) Bad words C) Channel distortion D) None of the above
Q182) At present network, Akashvani comprises of how many broadcasting centres
A) 197 B) 132 C) 120 D) 95
Q183) Communication with indigenous peoples
A) Is no different to communication with non-indigenous peoples. B) Is inevitable when practicing as a health
professional. C) Requires the health professional to stereotype each indigenous person they see. D) Requires
understanding of the complexity and diversity of cultural identity to create cultural safety
Q184) Which of the following is NOT a type of technical report?
A) Research Report B) Committee Report C) Spectator’s Report of a football match D) Investigative Report of
Communal riot
Q185) ONE of the following is NOT a part of a technical report.
A) Title Page B) Table of Contents C) Acknowledgement D) Invitation
Q186) The reference section of a report does NOT have ONE of the following features.
A) Author’s names are arranged alphabetically B) Titles of cited works are indicated in full C) Year of
publication for each entry is indicated D) Acknowledgement
Q187) Which of the following is NOT included in the appendix section of a report?
A) Conclusion B) Maps C) Questionnaire D) Graphs
Q188) How many relay centres does Akashvani have
A) 10 B) 12 C) 14 D) 15
Q189) Communication by using the Eyes is an example of
A) Non-verbal communication B) Written communication C) Verbal communication D) None of the above
Q190) Which of the following is responsible to change the messages into symbols?
A) Decoding B) Encoding C) Symbolic expression D) All of the above
Q191) When did the radio broadcasting started in India
A) 1927 B) 1925 C) 1936 D) 1920
Q192) Which of the following places two privately owned transmitters placed when AIR started in India?
A) Mumbai and Kolkata B) Mumbai and Pune C) Kolkata and Pune D) Kolkata and Assam
Q193) When did Vividh Bharati started?
A) 1957 B) 1955 C) 1947 D) 1920
Q194) In which year FM became private organization?
A) July 6, 1999 B) July 6, 1997 C) July 6, 1995 D) July 6, 1993
Q195) In the question below the two statements labelled as assertion (A) and reason (R) . Which one of the
following is correct.
• Assertion (A): two way communication is not possible in the mass media
• Reason (R): the message is conveyed, but the feedback is not immediate
A) Both A and R are true, R is the correct explanation of A B) Both A and R are true, R is not the correct
explanation of A C) A is true, R is false D) A is false, R is false
Q196) Which of the following is known as important element of communication?
A) The sender and the receiver B) The sender and the chairman C) The receiver and the channel D) The sender,
Channel and receiver
Q197) For a teacher to be an effective communicator it is essential that
A) Teacher must start from the point from where the children are ready to learn B) Teacher must use good
teaching aid C) The teacher must be a master in that subject D) All of the above
Q198) A teacher should behave with the children
A) Intellectually B) Democratically C) Autocratically D) Morally
Q199) Suppose you are unable to follow a foreigner’s language. In this case, communication of messages will
be carried out through
A) Symbolic language B) Body language C) Screaming D) None of the above
Q200) Message is passing through the
A) Transmission wire B) Channel C) Transmission medium D) None of the above
Q201) Which of the following is the meaning of communication according to Hegons
A) Dialogue between two-persons B) Interaction among two groups C) Both A and B D) None of the above
Q202) The general appeal of a report is NOT dependent on ONE of the following.
A) Language choice B) Language use C) Format D) Launching ceremony
Q203) Marketing communication in an organization is NOT directed at ONE of the following.
A) Middlemen B) Consumers C) Salesmen D) Management
Q204) Which of the following is NOT a method of establishing and sustaining marketing relations?
A) Press Release B) Advertorial C) Feature article D) Force
Q205) Identify the correct sequence of newspaper format
A) Mast-head, headline, conclusion, body B) Body, conclusion, headline, mast-head C) Conclusion, headline,
body, mast-head D) Mast-head, headline, body, conclusion
Q206) Listening to a lecture is informational listening evaluative listening emphatic listening none of these
A) informational listening B) evaluative listening
C) emphatic listening D) none of these
Q207) Internet technology ISP means
A) Internet service provider B) Internet subscriber Porter C) Internet subscriber provider D) Internet system
Q208) Which of the following is the largest Internet service provider in India
Q209) Where from the term communism came from
A) Latin B) Green C) Roman D) Persia
Q210) Which of the following is nature of communication
A) Process of exchange of ideas B) A purposive process C) A psychosocial process D) All of the above
Q211) The process of communication enhances through:
A) belongingness B) security and freedom to make choices
C) informality of meeting and avoidance of pressure D) all of these
Q212) Cultural safety
A) Protects the culture of the health professional, keeping it safe. B) Requires special places of safety that
accommodate the relevant culture. C) Requires understanding of your own culture, the culture of the health
service and the culture of the person seeking assistance. D) All of the above.
Q213) Identify the correct sequence of news channels
A) Zee news, colours, Star plus, Al Jazeera B) Zee news, ABP news, Al Jazeera, Times C) CNBC, BBC, Star
world, Sony D) All of the above
Q214) Which of the following is not true about the types of oral communication?
A) Auditory communication is dependent on hearing B) Idiolect is a language of an individual at a particular
period in life C) Monologue is a long utterance by many people simultaneously
A) Only A B) Only B C) Only C D) all of the above
Q215) Which of the following is not a true statement about an oral communication?
I)Oral communication provides an immediate feedback II) Oral communication is more authentic than written
communication III) Oral communication is not frequently used in legal records
A) Both I and II B) Both I and III C) Both II and III D) None of the above
Q216) Which of the following is the barrier of communication?
A) Language barrier B) Physical barrier C) Psychological barrier D) All of the above
Q217) In effective communication a long statement is considered as
A) Barrier B) Not a barrier to C) Effective message D) Wrong message
Q218) Which of the following train disseminates scientific awareness in the country?
A) Technological rail B) Scientific rail C) Science and technology rail D) All of the above
Q219) Culturally appropriate communication is essential for effective communication.
A) It requires the health professional to live in the country and speak the language. B) It is impossible for a
health professional to be culturally competent so being friendly and helpful will compensate. C) If the health
professional uses an interpreter they will achieve culturally appropriate communication. D) It requires
awareness of cultural differences, sensitivity and openness to these differences, and acknowledgement of the
validity of the other culture.
Q220) To communicate easily and effectively with your readers, how many number of principles
communication are applied
A) Nine B) Seven C) Eleven D) Six
Q221) A letter that completes a valid contract between a buyer and a seller is called.
A) An order letter B) An acknowledgment letter C) An inquiry D) A sales letter
Q222) Who enforced the vernacular press act?
A) Raymond Williams B) Marshall Lyton C) Queen Victoria D) Lord Clive
Q223) Who among the following differentiated between Hot and Cold messages?
A) Raymond Williams B) Marshall McLuhan C) James Augustus D) None of the above
Q224) Which of the following is NOT an effective advertising media?
A) Bill boards B) Television C) Whisper D) Internet
Q225) ONE of the following is NOT an example of an electronic media.
A) The internet B) Newspapers C) Television D) Cable network
Q226) Which of the following is NOT an example of the print media?
A) Television B) National Dailies C) Metropolitan Dailies D) Magazines
Q227) Which of the following is an important property for an effective communicator?
A) The objective of communication B) Thinking about the evaluation procedure C) Both A and B D) None of
the above
Q228) The ultimate objective of feedback in the process of communication is a
A) To bring some desirable changes in the process of communication B) To understand about the messages C)
To understand the disadvantage of communication D) All of the above
Q229) In discussion with small group, the students can interact with each other in
A) Restricted environment B) A more liberal environment C) A fully restricted environment D) None of the
Q230) Which committee was set up to re-examine the Prasar Bharati Act?
A) Sengupta committee B) Changder committee C) Ghosh committee D) Pradhan committee
Q231) A combination of document analysis, observations and interviews are applied usefully in
A) Content analysis B) Case study C) Survey research D) Field experiment
Q232) Which was the first Indian advertising agency?
A) Indian advertising agency B) Indian national advertising agency C) national advertising agency D)
international advertising agency
Q233) Which of the following is the popular editing software for film/video?
A) Photoshop B) Indesign C) Final cut pro D) VCD cutter
Q234) Which of the following is the most important step for an effective communicator?
A) Determining objectives of communication B) Identifying mediums of communication C) Selecting the most
suitable channel D) All of the above
Q235) Culture includes
A) Values and beliefs. B) Customs, traditions, values and desires. C) Ways of living and behaviour al habits. D)
Beliefs, values, spirituality, language, familial and social roles, artistic expression, food, non-verbal behaviour
and remedies.
Q236) Family/person-centred practice is
A) Supported by all health professions. B) A new concept that developed at the beginning of this century. C)
Only useful when working with children. D) The use of a collaborative relationship to fulfil the needs and
achieve the goals of the person seeking assistance.
Q237) Which of the following media can be used effectively in large group communications?
A) Television B) Overhead Projector C) Video D) Computer
Q238) for providing evaluative feedback to students, the teacher should
A) Use correction, not criticism, in respect to inappropriate responses B) Provide immediate feedback C) Do not
provide non-constructive comments for evaluating activities D) All of these
Q239) Effective Communication takes place when
A) source is attractive and authoritarian B) message design incorporates audience C) modern communication
technologies are used D) receivers are passive recipient
Q240) According to Berlo, Communication has how many elements?
A) 4 B) 3 C) 6 D) 5
Q241) Communication word is derived from a verb of which language?
A) Latin B) French C) German D) Italian
Q242) Which of the following is not a transmitting barrier?
A) Physical distraction B) Emotional interference C) Conflicting messages D) Channel barrier
Q243) Which of the following statement is correct?
A) Communicator should have fine senses B) Communicator should have tolerance power C) Communicator
should be soft spoke D) Communicator should have good personality
Q244) Yahoo messenger is an......
A) application B) on line transaction C) virtual terminal D) all of above
Q245) Encoding is
A) the formulation of messages in the communicator’s mind B) the formulation messages in the receiver’s mind
C) coding of whole communication process D) none of these
Q246) An effective communication does not require
A) change in speech pattern B) appropriate gesture C) mastery of content D) handsome personality
Q247) Which of the following provides more freedoms to the communication to interact?
A) Small group discussion B) Using film projectors C) Viewing countrywide classroom D) Lecture by experts
Q248) Which one of the following is true about the communication?
A) it is dynamic in nature B) It is constantly changing C) It is shifting in response to the overall situation D) All
of the above
Q249) Which of the following methods of communication would be most effective in classroom?
A) Lecture method B) Multimedia method C) Presenting written matter with the Lectures D) Presenting written
Q250) Intimate communication comes under the heading of
A) intrapersonal communication B) interpersonal communication C) group communication D) None of these
Q251) Feedback system is weakest in which of the following?
A) Interpersonal Communication B) Intrapersonal Communication C) Group Communication D) Mass
Q252) Which of the following systematically discovers relations and interaction among variables in real life
situations such as school, factory, community etc?
A) Field experiments B) Field study C) Survey study D) Ex-post factor study
Q253) Any effective communication system employs a feedback system order to
A) make the necessary modifications in the process. B) Understand more about the content. C) Find faults with
the sender(teacher) D) find faults with the receiver ( the students)
Q254) The most important aspect of communication-listening can be improved by
A) making voice effective and impressive. B) making communication material novel interesting and need based
C) making the full attention D) All of these
Q255) Which of the following is an old form of communication?
A) Fire signals B) Radio Signals C) Telegrams D) None of these
Q256) which of the following steps would you consider first as an effective communicator?
A) Select the channels of communication B) Plan the evaluation procedure C) Specify the objectives of
communication D) Identify the various media for communication
Q257) Information and Communication Technology includes:
A) On line learning B) Learning through the use of EDUSAT C) Web Based Learning D) All the above
Q258) if you invite personal friends and colleagues in your son’s birthday party, the procedure of invitation will
A) Only personal invitation will be extended to most dear ones. B) Only a specific group of teachers will be
invited. C) Extend invitation to all the teachers without any distinction. D) You would invite all the personnel of
the school.
Q259) Listening to a lecture is
A) information Listening B) evaluative listening C) emphatic Listening D) none of these
Q260) As a chairman of UPSC while selecting a teacher you should, be
A) fair and impartial B) able to judge the personality of candidates C) encouraging to those appearing for
interview D) All of these
Q261) Teaching on TV is superior to class room instruction because
A) very large classes are made' possible and thus. it; is economically advantageous B) experts for teaching a
difficult topic can be arranged and others can be benefited from them C) teaching materials can be filmed for
reuse D) All of these
Q262) following are the experimental learning activities adopted by a teacher. Arrange them in cyclic order.
(i) Accommodation (ii) Converging (iii) Assimilation (iv) Diverging
A) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) B) (iv), (iii), (ii), (i) C) (ii), (iii), (iv), (i) D) (iii), (i), (ii), (iv)
Q263) Listening is badly affected by
A) message overload-excess of listened material B) high speed of speaking C) a sizable hearing loss-
physiological problem D) all of the above
Q264) Which of the following methods of communication is the most effective?
A) presenting written material B) presenting written material along with film projector C) multi-media method
D) cannot be determined
Q265) All are the components of listening except
A) hearing B) attending-being attentive C) answering D) understanding and remembering
Q266) Better classroom management means
A) per group work and better interaction among pupils B) prior preparation of teacher in the making of suitable
aids C) punctuality of the teachers in coming in the class and finishing the course in time D) All of these
Q267) All are the examples of the media of two way communication except
A) public meeting B) padyatra C) street plays D) procession and rallies
Q268) Arrange the following activities of interaction in logical order
(i) Analysis of the work done (ii) Planning and preparation (iii) Presentation of material (iv) Modification and
A) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) B) (ii), (iii), (i), (iv) C) (iv), (i), (ii), (iii) D) (i), (iii), (iv), (ii)
Q269) Which of the following skills has the largest share in communication time in schools/colleges?
A) Listening B) Reading C) Writing D) Speaking
Q270) Which of the following teachers will you like most?
A) One who uses board occasionally B) One who uses chart and maps C) One who uses film projector along
with the proper use of the board D) One who uses motion picture as a last resort
Q271) The main purpose of evaluative listening is
A) to accept or reject an idea given to the listener B) to evaluate the speaker's credibility and personality C) both
of above D) none of these
Q272) CHEER stands for
A) Children Enrichment Education Through Radio B) Child Health Education Electronic Recording C)
Children for Engineers and Energy Requirement D) None of the above
Q273) The most important aspect of communication listening, can be improved by
A) making the attention fully paid B) making the communicated material novel-interesting and need based C)
making voice effective and impressive D) all of these
Q274) Educational TV was first introduced in India in the year
A) 1961 B) 1959 C) 1968 D) 1969
Q275) Which of the following cannot be a good way of communication in promoting literacy among villagers?
A) Demonstration B) Reading and writing C) providing material on TV and film projector D) Large group
Q276) A student helps a teacher to solve the problem while the teacher was delivering the lecture. He was
A) an emphatic listener B) an evaluative listener C) a realistic listener D) an informational listener
Q277) SITE stands for
A) System for International Technology and Engineering B) Satellite Instructional Television Experiment C)
South Indian Trade Estate D) None of these
Q278) The process of communication enhances through
A) belongingness B) security and freedom to make choices C) informality of meeting and avoidance of pressure
D) all of these
Q279) Visualization in the instructional process cannot increase
A) interest and motivation B) retention and adaptation C) stress and boredom D) curiosity and concentration
Q280) The latest development in the hardware technology is the introduction of
A) FM channels B) Z channels C) M channels D) Star channels
Q281) Software computer cannot be used
A) for demonstration B) for reading and writing C) as a systematic programmed learning techniques D) as a
machine for evaluating students progress
Q282) Overhead projector is superior to short circuit TV in a classroom teaching because
A) it is cheap and self devised B) pictures in it may be shown in a desired sequence and with a minimum of lost
motion (material) C) information presented though it is easily retained D) it is easy to use
Q283) All of the following are the limitations of televised Instruction except
A) televised lesson moves at a fixed speed and thus cannot take the individual differences of students into
account B) it does not permit the exchange of ideas between the teachers and taught C) It does not properly help
the students in making the materials clearly understood. D) experts consume much time in planning and
preparation of the programme.
Q284) Which of the following groups of students can be most benefited computer based education programme?
A) Small group of low IQ B) Large group of moderate intelligence C) Heterogeneous groups in IQ D) All of
the above
Q285) Which of the following is not a successful communicator?
A) One who presents material in a precise and clear way. B) One who is able to adapt himself according to the
language of the communicate C) One who knows a lot but is somewhat reserve in his attitude. D) One who
sometimes becomes informal before the receiver and develops rapport
Q286) Closed circuit television is useful
A) only for a restricted audience residing at a particular place B) for large group communication C) only for
poor students of the class D) none of the above
Q287) Which of the following teachers will you like most?
A) a loving teacher B) a teacher of highly idealist philosophy C) a teacher who often amuses his students D) a
disciplined teacher
Q288) Televised educational programme is useful because
A) it can present the natural phenomenon of the world in natural form B) it can magnify the microscopic forms
of life and can be presented on TV C) it affords the opportunity for large audience in the same auditorium or in
different locations to view it clearly D) all of these
Q289) Noise is known as
A) transmitting barrier B) receiving barrier C) sender barrier D) none of these
Q290) All are the examples of the media of two way communication except
A) public meeting B) padyatra C) street plays D) procession and rallies
Q291) A message is
A) what is actually transmitted B) what a receiver actually receives C) what a communication actually produces
D) None of these
Q292) A channel is
A) medium, which carries the message B) an agent who which reacts on the behalf of receiver C) an agent who
encoded/decoded the receiver D) All of the above
Q293) A good communicator is the one who offers to his audience:
A) plentiful of information B) a good amount of statistics C) concise proof D) repetition of facts
Q294) Which of the following media can be used effectively in large group communications?
A) Television B) Overhead Projector C) Video D) Computer
Q295) The carrier of mass communication is known as
A) mass media B) print media C) electronic media D) None of these
Q296) The combination of computing, telecommunications and media in a digital atmosphere is referred to as:
A) online communication B) integrated media C) digital combine D) convergence
Q297) Feedback is
A) immediate reaction of receiver B) response of receiver to communicator's message C) analysis done by the
receiver of the communicator's message D) None of these
Q298) Which of the following is not a successful communicator?
A) One who presents material in a precise and clear way. B) One who is able to adapt himself according to the
language of the communicate. C) One who knows a lot but is somewhat reserve in his attitude D) One who
sometimes becomes informal before the receiver and develops rapport.
Q299) Major limitation of mass communication is
A) it is very costly B) the feedback system is weak C) more time is required to produce the message D) the
success largely depends upon the producer
Q300) Which of the following steps would you consider first as an effective communicator?
A) Select the channels of communication B) Plan the evaluation procedure C) Specify the objectives of
communication D) Identify the various media for communication
Q301) Information and Communication Technology includes:
A) On line learning B) Learning through the use of EDUSAT C) Web Based Learning D) All the above
Q302) Communication satellites work through
A) transponders B) transmitters C) radars D) None of these
Q303) Which of the following is an old form of communication?
A) Fire signals B) Radio Signals C) Telegrams D) None of these
Q304) The most important aspect of communication-listening can be improved by
A) making voice effective and impressive. B) making communication material novel interesting and need
based. C) making the full attention D) All of these
Q305) Any effective communication system employs a feedback system in order to
A) make the necessary modifications in the process. B) understand more about the content. C) find faults with
the sender (teacher) D) find faults with the receiver ( the students)
Q306) Which of the following systematically discovers relations and interaction among variables in real life
situations such as school, factory, community etc?
A) Field experiments B) Field study C) Survey study D) Ex-post factor study
Q307) Which one of the following has the largest share in classroom communication/
A) Listening B) Reading C) Writing D) Speaking
Q308) "mm-hmm" is a type of ................ Feedback
A) ambiguous B) positive C) negative D) Either (a) or ( c )
Q309) Which one of the following is true about the communication?
A) It is dynamic in nature B) It is constantly changing C) It is shifting in response to the overall situation D) All
of the above
Q310) Which of the following methods of communication would be most effective in classroom?
A) Lecture method B) Multimedia method C) Presenting written matter with the Lectures D) Presenting written
Q311) Intimate communication comes under the heading of
A) intrapersonal communication B) interpersonal communication C) group communication D) None of these
Q312) An effective communication does not require
A) change in speech pattern B) appropriate gesture C) mastery of content D) handsome personality
Q313) Which of the following provides more freedoms to the communication to interact?
A) Small group discussion B) Using film projectors C) Viewing countrywide classroom D) Lecture by experts
Q314) Which of the following statement is correct?
A) Communicator should have fine senses B) Communicator should have tolerance power C) Communicator
should be soft spoken D) Communicator should have good personality
Q315) Yahoo messenger is an ........
A) application B) on line transaction C) virtual terminal D) all of above
Q316) Encoding is
A) the formulation of messages in the communicator's mind B) the formulation messages in the receiver's mind
C) coding of whole communication process D) None of these
Q317) If a person replies like " I see " or 'mm-hmm' then it is known as
A) positive feedback B) negative feedback C) ambiguous feedback D) None of these
Q318) According to Berlo, Communication has how many elements?
A) 4 B) 3 C) 6 D) 5
Q319) Communication word is derived from a verb of which language?
A) Latin B) French C) German D) Italian
Q320) Which of the following is not a transmitting barrier?
A) Physical distraction B) Emotional interference C) Conflicting messages D) Channel barrier
Q321) Effective Communication takes place when
A) source is attractive and authoritarian B) message design incorporates audience C) modern communication
technologies are used D) receivers are passive recipient
Q322) One will be an effective communicator, if
A) he is a humorous speaker. B) he has historic talent C) he is very clear about what one communicates. D) he
communicates in one's mother tongue.
Q323) Which of the following magazines is not in Hindi medium?
A) Outlook B) India Today C) The Week D) Maya
Q324) Characteristics of all informal and formal communications are
A) same B) structured C) different D) None of these
Q325) The information function of mass communication is described as
A) diffusion B) publicity C) surveillance D) diversion
Q326) In communication, connotative words are
A) explicit B) abstract C) simple D) cultural
Q327) In analog mass communication, stories are
A) static B) dynamic C) interactive D) exploratory
Q328) Which of the following is not correct about instant messaging?
A) It is the most secure form of messaging. B) There are chances of message being read by other. C) Instant
`messaging is possible between peer-to-peer systems too D) Instant messaging also supports file transfer.
Q329) At which of the following frequency the communication will not be reliable for a receiver beyond
A) 100 kHz B) 100GHz C) 1MHz D) None of these
Q330) The process of communication enhances through
A) belongingness B) security and freedom to make choices C) informality of meeting and avoidance of pressure
D) all of these
Q331) In classroom communication the topic or lesson is known as
A) message B) channel C) system D) content
Q332) Which of the following cannot be a good way of communication in promoting literacy among villagers?
A) Demonstration B) Reading and writing C) Providing material on TV and film projector D) Large group
Q1) A, Q2) A, Q3) D, Q4) D, Q5) D, Q6) A, Q7) C, Q8) D, Q9) B, Q10) D, Q11) D, Q12) C, Q13) C, Q14)
D, Q15) A, Q16) C, Q17) A, Q18) A, Q19) D, Q20) D, Q21) B, Q22) C, Q23) A, Q24) B, Q25) A, Q26) D,
Q27) A, Q28) D, Q29) A, Q30) C, Q31) D, Q32) B, Q33) C, Q34) C, Q35) C, Q36) A, Q37) A, Q38) C, Q39)
D, Q40) D, Q41) B, Q42) A, Q43) A, Q44) A, Q45) D, Q46) B, Q47) B, Q48) D, Q49) D, Q50) A, Q51) A,
Q52) C, Q53) D, Q54) C, Q55) A, Q56) C, Q57) A, Q58) B, Q59) A, Q60) A, Q61) A, Q62) D, Q63) B, Q64)
B, Q65) D, Q66) A, Q67) C, Q68) D, Q69) D, Q70) D, Q71) A, Q72) D, Q73) A, Q74) C, Q75) B, Q76) C,
Q77) B, Q78) A, Q79) A, Q80) C, Q81) A, Q82) A, Q83) D, Q84) B, Q85) B, Q86) C, Q87) A, Q88) A, Q89)
D, Q90) D, Q91) C, Q92) B, Q93) A, Q94) A, Q95) A, Q96) C, Q97) C, Q98) A, Q99) A, Q100) D, Q101) B,
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